While there’s bigger scenario to an English literature degree than reading bulky books until your eyes get tired, most would agree that perusing and examining written works is probably going to be quite fundamental to your studies. During an English literature degree, students investigate and banter various texts and authors, along with getting information about various periods of and movements in literature and literary theories, and basic methodologies that have molded the manner in which we see literature now.

On the off chance that you decide to study English literature at college or university, you will acquire extensive communication skills pertaining to writing and speaking, get skilled at contending a point through logical argumentation, create a narrative account of an event or actions and critically examine different degrees of significance through textual analysis.
However, what each English Literature student needs to know is, ’What can you do with an English degree once you graduate?’ The response to this inquiry is more intricate and complex than you may presume, as English certificate graduates can be found in pretty much every industry, filling an assortment of jobs – from supervisor to pedagogic, and manager to a legal advisor, to mention a few.
Keep reading to investigate the numerous responses to the inquiry question ‘what can you do with an English degree?’ – in addition to get tips on the most proficient method to support your employability within each field.
Typical careers with an English literature degree
In spite of the fact that there’s no one industry which takes priority, English degree graduates are frequently found where solid communication and written English aptitudes are most needs; for illustration, in the field of media and publication.
On the one hand, the far reaching call for great communication abilities implies English literature degrees offer parcels of career ways. But, since usually a non-vocational subject, students of English literature may need to make sure they pick up work experience during their studies– a great way to induce a feel for diverse alternatives, and regularly a fundamental resource when it comes to applying for graduate jobs.
To give an example, students who know they need to go into magazine publishing upon graduation will hopefully require involvement in a comparable environment, either from an internship attempted amid their studies or association with a student distribution, such as a college pamphlet, magazine or site. A few more thoughts on how to elevate graduate employability inside each industry are recorded underneath.
Media and journalism careers for an English literature degree Graduate
Enveloping an entire bulk of small businesses, the media division envelops everything from film to tv, daily papers to news blogs, publicizing to PR and gaming to reviewing of games. Depending on your interest area, there’s a niche for around each English graduate, whether you need to deliver, write, edit, survey, plan, advance, oversee or run.
Careers in media can be exceptionally competitive. Unless you’re committed to the industry and have the work involvement record to show (see underneath), solid salaries in the startfor careers in media are difficult to ensure. Moreover, those wishing to seek after journalism as a career may take advantage from a specialized graduate degree in this field.

How to boost your employability as an English Literature degree Graduate
A media blog; internships and/or placements; personal portfolio of work (e.g. a compilation of reviews, scripts, photography, film projects etc.); an active presence on social media; confirmed interest in current media landscape (in television, film, digital media, journalism etc.).
Careers in Publishing for an English literature degree Graduate
In spite of the fact that frequently crossing with the media world, publishing is in truth related to a separate sector. Recently, the publishing industry has faced much disturbance, due to in huge portion, the digital bubble. In spite of the fact that this implies numerous conventional print distributing companies are getting to be smaller or battling to outlive, those that have adjusted to the world of computerized distributing are proceeding to flourish – and require graduates with the aptitudes to assist them keep evolving.
Digital distributing envelops zones such as e-books and electronic diaries (e.g. logical periodicals), as well as online magazines and news sites. English graduates entering distributing careers may be engaged in a assortment of zones, like administrative jobs,, generation, publication, promoting, public relations and sales.
How to boost your employability as an English Literature degree Graduate
Get internship or a job at a publishing house; creative portfolio; self-published blog; knowledge of the contemporary world of digital publishing and print.
Teaching and academic careers for an English literature degree Graduate
In spite of the fact that careers in teaching regularly require extra capabilities and/or involvement, an English literature degree can be a extraordinary way to create the scholastic information and communication abilities required.
For teaching at primary or secondary level, you as a rule ought to have a proficient and professional teaching qualification and capability and pick up some encounter working with children and/or youthful grown-ups. For university-level educating, you’ll be required to gain at least a master’s degree (within the field you would like to teach) and frequently a PhD, as numerous colleges combine educating and researching roles.

How to boost your employability as an English Literature degree Graduate
Your past teaching experience (e.g. mentoring, tutoring, teaching English); teaching small children and young adults (e.g. child-minding, mentoring, youth project dealing); collaborations in research projects.
Advertising, marketing and PR careers for an English literature degree Graduate
Working in marketing, public relations, and advertising have gained much bigger popularity and have become much looked for by English graduates. Elements of advertising, marketing and PR exist across in a variety of sectors and almost every business possesses these to some extent. Whereas still including higher degrees of inventiveness and great communication skills, these parts all request more of an unequivocal stress on producing benefit and extending trade or brand reach.
This revenue-based attitude is additionally regularly combined with higher starting pay rates compared to simply artistic/creative media parts, and career movement conceivable outcomes are frequently more clearly characterized. With innovation getting to be more included in marketing, promoting and PR, it’s getting to be more of a prerequisite for students to be innovation adroit.
How to boost your graduate employability as an English Literature degree Graduate
Experience and know-how of marketing roles and sales; knowledge of how to self-advertising (or a service product) through social media; a creative portfolio of innovative, unique and down to earth ideas.
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