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Orientation Ceremony for Intermediate Classes at

Orientation Ceremony for Intermediate Classes at


For FBISE– Intermediate Classes (1st Year & 2nd Year) provides an excellent and student-friendly educational platform with the objective to guide and help students through the major and hectic stages of their education journey. It follows the formula of m/f/d/v (male/female/disabled/veterans) facilitating students from the lowest primary level through to the higher degree levels. The campus intends to organize online live classes for The Federal Board (FBISE) to give them guidance and support in their study programs. The target is to cover the entire syllabus of all the subjects within the stipulated time, thus saving their time and career.

Orientation ceremony for Intermediate Class (FBISE)

Date: 03-07-2020 (13th July 2020)

Time: 04:00 pm

Target: To tell the students what actually is, and what it aims at.

Beside the live lectures, students will be given a single click access to preparatory materials like Online MCQs tests.

Joins Us

Students are invited to Get Registered Today for a live and production session regarding the intermediate class of FBISE.

Registration is FREE

Students are encouraged to come up with their queries regarding the FBISE Live Classes Schedule.

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Business Communication by Peter Hartley & Clive G. Bruckmann

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Trainer, Writing Expert, Freelancer, Educator

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